Our Solutions
BIOFABICS is an R&D company specialized in the generation and culture of 3D Biotissue Analogues
We have decades of academic and industrial experience at the intersection of fields such as:
- Biofabrication & Additive Manufacturing
- Microfluidics
- Organs-on-Chips
- Bioreactor Technologies
- Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine
- Biomaterials
- Cell & Tissue Biology
- Mechatronics & Software Development
The work of our team members has resulted in many publications in prestigious scientific journals and in protected intellectual property.
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Our team members have worked at, and collaborated with, some of the most prestigious universities, institutes and companies around the world:
Would you like to collaborate with us?
We are always looking for new academic and industrial/business partners.
We are eligible as a Portuguese SME partner for research proposals (e.g. H2020, PT2020, FCT)
We are located in Porto, next to University of Porto's Campus (Asprela)

We are an interdisciplinary and fast-growing team
We are always looking for talent

We are proudly funded by:
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
European Union - Horizon 2020
Anje - Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários
Nortexcel - Medideas
Startup Portugal